Wednesday, June 24, 2009


hola ! Look who's back !? I have never thought that i will start writing here ever again since the previous post. In fact, i feel kinda weird typing now because im supposed to be playing games or watching movies or chatting with my gf,.. ITS HOLIDAY TIME !! :DD Ohyeah.. now that its holiday, i can finally write something here. Trust me, before my final exam, my time was seriously pilled up with revisions and exercises, just to face the first 4 crappy subjects i will ever take in my university life. Think again.. i still have a long way to go. sigh

Today is a fine day, and why is it fine u ask? NOT u , i mean you there. Because, its the last paper for this semester !! Happpy :) And because im Happpy , i've decided to throw in a picture of how i smile when im over the moon

Lets take a quick review of what i have learn from the 4 subjects i had this semester;

1) Engineering Maths A - Being a maths subject, i have always have hope with it because i know i can calculate 1+1= how much and realize that if the cross product of 2 direction vectors of 2 lines are zero, the lines are perpendicular. I got a feeling im wrong but anyway, the final exam of maths is not easy, not that hard. Except questions like those stupid integration by parts or integration reduction or the 3 devilish types of integration which involves square roots of functions....hyperbolic....trig....inverse....substitution stuff all in them. aikz hate them.

the japanese harakiri leader who happens to be my MATHS2160 lecturer . haha

2) Physics 1- Physics.. i dont like physics. Of all the science subjects, it is the worst. I mean who doesn't miss LeChatelier's principle about how the system counteracts the external change or the endocrine system in our human body? - except for those poor pure health or science students.. hehe Ok. After a semester with possibly the last Physics that will ever come across in my life, im proud to say that i got a HD for it !! hooray !! not 100% HD but at least 90% chances of getting HD !! wahaha.. i seemed so contented and boastful. Someone come and slap me please

3) Introduction to Engineering Computing - This subjects gives me headache at the beginning. I totally have no idea about microsoft excel or some programming tools called MatLab, and im not Wei Jien either. So, all i know is i quite depend on some friend of mine in order to score the internal marks for this subject. Courtesy to Jason, who is imported from china !!


Anyway, he is really smart except for his english which may become the subject of a joke. For example, people tends to be polite and say "Excuse me?" , while jason has his unique way of pronouncing the two english words, magically transform them into "Kill me?" or "Screw me?" lol but despite all these, he is still my master XD

4) Enterprise Engineering- This subject reminds me of moral. moral reminds me of the nilai nilai murni, and those nilai nilai murni reminds me of absolutely nothing. Right, this subject is different from the others, and i personally feels that this subject is .... is...... couldnt find a suitable word to describe it. It's all about common sense really. Except for some other few things like IP or feasibility thingies which we have to read by textbook. ok enough. The truth is, enterprise is boring.

Im done with the silly review of my subjects. Btw, i just wanna say that transformer 2 doesn't attract me and that Aya Hirano rocks!! my gf rocks even m0re!! :)

For those who have forgotten how good ol' Norris Fung looks like .hehe

love my cute baby <33

Btw, the title of the post is this because i was kidnapped! i hope this explains the reason why the blog remains un-updated. Expect me to get "kidnapped" again for at least another good couple of weeks or months. XD take care and stay happy for everyone who reads my lousy and meaningless blog !! ;)

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