anyway, 2day is the day! the last last day of 2008, which leaves me full of memories or all sorts of thinking running in my mind. i couldnt believe how time flies without giving any halt to it. i mean, i could still clearly remember how
My chronology on 2008 (based on my memory onli!) :-
A. First time stepped onto Taylor, settled down on the seat in somewhere around Csomething room? or 2point something 4get dy. there, i get to know 2 of my earliest's fren, Mun Fhoong( which left already) n Jeffery Kim Song Jun. cool korean name ey? XD Then, we met our lecturers, n also get to know dat the lady called Ms Tiew as our class teacher.
B. For the first 1 or 2 weeks, i mostly seat with Mun Fhoong, coz during dat time, i knew him much more than other classmate.
C. First Impression on my S1 classmate is .. haha a bunch of nerdy boys n gals XP juz kidding. well, i couldnt tell much about first impression coz i was too blur dat time. mayb dats becoz i wasnt prepared for college life yet. N Mark Yukan Sawaki who originated from
dats mark, n his pic stolen from his own blog XD
D. On 16 Jan, my birthday was celebrated in pizza hut. very memorable day T__T
E. n be4 16Jan, few of us went to Saeke Sushi for Kim's bday? or is it after? lol memory screwed up
F. In the middle of February, i finally get to know the very important person in my life, Huei yinn. gotta thank Nic again for providing me dis fortune :)
G. Few days to week after i knew her in fs, we met in Taylor's anime society. n eventually gets to know each other more n gradually become good fren. kinda fast SAM fiesta was also about dat time.
H. Somewhere around March? common test 1 was there. first time sitting for exam in a college. man, i was so nervous my head nearly masuk angin. haha
I. Collected spm result not long after we got the CT1's results. Apparently, my SPM result is way better than CT. 9As with a B3 for moral ~_~
J. Den in the class, i also found these guys called Jack, Calvin, Kelvin, lol they r not the same person, Jonathan lo, Tneh who always loses pool game when plying with me, Kinfai, Will 2, Jonathan Lui, Kheng piow, Kim, Posearn, Xavier, Jian Meng and Heng Li, the only guy who smoke in S1. these r the guys. The gals in my class r .... Joanna Chow, Serene, Leow mei yi whose TER is 1 word to describe, crazy, trisha(the chemistry lab partner), sandra, n chui nee.
K. On 5th April, the most important day of 2008, get coupled with her from msn. hahaha n dat was after she attempting to make me noe a gal by the name of jia yi? We ( me, Min Min, Huei yinn and jia yi) went to watch 'L change the world' n i nvr thought dat L could change my world too. Fortunately towards a positive side :)
L. Den around April to May was CT2.. while mid-year exam was at June ar? haha cincai tembak the months.
M. Nxt comes the holidays, n also, these r the months where im so obssessed with pool at upstairs of AC. Since our break is about an h0ur long, me n my classmates (duh) except calvin usually eat for 1/2 hour, den go pool for another half hour. we r pool freak haha (back den)
N. if im not wrong, the last day be4 the midyear holiday, i went to cheong k with my gf alone, with me singing like 98% of the time there. haha but having the chance to sing songs is cool. but pls laugh at me coz i just went to karaoke like 1 or 2 times till 2day @_@
O.Not long after midyear holiday, we hav normal routines like before, except with Calvin Teh's hair growing really long. if any1 of u knew him n wanna make him pleased, juz tell him, hey u look like a gal. he will say thx. After dat, we hav the 3rd Common test which is also the final 1 i think.
P. I remember, the 1 or 2 week be4 trial was so tense. right? alot of due dates for assignment n math studies's CT3 was at dat time. n also hav the tutorial presentation. ESL also a troublesome 1 due to its many many projects to do. say, issue analysis? wat the heck is dat. -_-
Q. Den there comes the trial. trial.. sucks. spec maths.. sucks
R. the Gap between trial exam n finals is quite big. So, many things had happened in between. But i shall skip most of them. haha but there is a charity carnival. Quite a fun day coz for the first time, i entered a ghost house. But not dat scary. (really!) i played the game twice, with 1 at 2nd floor n the other 1 at 3rd floor. well, the 3rd floor 1 is more interesting coz there were classmates with me dat time. they love to make scary voices n sound to freak themselves out o_o truthfully, the ghost house doesnt gimme heart attack or scared me to death. Except for the part where a silly mummy carrying some fake chainsaw approaching me from the back. was a lil scared dat time. i scared dat he is a REAL mummy ! hahaha -_-
S. 5th of October was my half anniversary with her. We went to eat at Station One. But unfortunately the celebration isnt grand or memorable.. sori..
T. On the 24th of October, was my gf's birthday. Me n her went to Secret Recipe.. but there was alot of ppl celebrating dat moment coz if im not mistaken, dat was the official last day of college. the meal is expensivvee.. n the food is pretty good la. but the mood is ma ma dei nia. too noisy .
U. Finally, its the final exam aka external exam. (which carries 50% of the total accessment for SAM) so its definitely very important. i would say, more important than SPM. Luckily, throughout the exam days, i didn fall sick or get constipated or 4got to bring the exam slip into the exam hall. Thx god .
V. After the exam, u noe la. Sure happy over the moon . but for my case, im not dat happy coz im getting closer to the time when she has to separate from me already. i mean she is returning to her hometown, leavin me alone in Kl here.. The week after exam, i went out with gf nearly 24/7. But u cant blame me on dat becoz.. hey.. she is leaving me reli soon. i might not be able to see her again.. swtt i still miss her 2day.
W. Den comes the prom night which i already posted about it.
X. On the 7th of November, i got called up by huei yinn, reminding me to check on the SAM's result. Mixed feelings i have after knowing my result was like dat..
Y. Den? Christmas lor.. haha. notice dat i onli talk about college n gf at the post? coz basically my memory on 2008 r mostly concentrated on college thingy n gf onli. XD
im reaching Z soon, so gotta stop dy. haha Calvin teh's bday at the place where i celebrated the bday with them too. dun look at me plss.. im very ugly!! luckily pic's size is small. n the pics include every1 except the 3 gals at the back n posearn?
CONCLUSION : 2008, is a unforgettable year. hopefully, 2009 in Australia will give me a new start. n to GOD -
''Pls gimme more intelligence!!''
to my gf -
'' Even if ur at India, i will be missing u all days n nights. i promise not to offend u, n more importantly, i love u always~ we shall get together again couple of years later ya! i wont 4get, at least 1 sms/per day''
to my parents n family haha-
'' Secretly i wanna apologize for all the mistakes n my misbehaviour i had in these years. (not onli 2008) Watever dat happens, we r always family. Im always the guai guai zai in ur hearts HAHA''
to all my frens-
'' Thanks for all the care n guidance. Especially Calvin who taught me many things n gimme quick review on new games or jap songs. But ur hair too long wei.. haha''
EVERYBODY. SAY BYEBYE TO 2008 N HELLO TO 2009. BYE BYE TO MOUSE N HELLO TO COW. haha ok dis is not a short post i thk. so, i gtg now. tata~~ wish all of u stay happy n blessed for eternity :)
*PS* strange.. its 10.02 n i haven heard of the sounds of mercun yet haha
Wow..I like tis post very much:)
It's all ur review in 2008..
U have many happy memories le..especially with ur gf..haha..
Wat u write here oso trigger my memory dat happen in 2008
I reli reli like the life in 2008..I miss my roomate,classmates,sunway pyramid n of coz u
I still rmb wat is happen last year in ths moment
I'm at kl dy..waiting to go college n staying at my aunty's hse
I was very nervous n wondering who is my is she looks like..etc
But time is 2009
V should have hopes..u start a new life in australia
Here,i wish u all the bez:)..hope the course u take can benefit u in future so dat u dont have any financial problems..haha
Yea..keep ur promise least 1 sms/day n love me owez..haha
p/s: hope u can recover soon..drink more water tak layak wanna advise u la..haha..coz I'm sick too
Let's blur blur n gong gong la
GET WELL SOON..u n me:)
yeah.. haha luckily u like dis post. i scared it was way too lengthy n boring tim..
n yalor.. now without gf dy, my life is same as the orang buta without tongkat.. hou kolian.. haha
so, u miss judy? surely no miss gloria dy hahaha. i also very miss the times when we go walk walk in pyramid, window-shopping mostly. or juz sitting infront of the web. although ntg much to do there, i felt so warm n hapi dy.. now i pay 100bucks for dat to happen also tak jadi already :(
yeah time does flies.. except the exam period for me.. haha
n i wish u hav a good life n able to study dentistry well in india there.. i very bu se de ni, but for ur interest n future, i gotta support u den.. GAMBATE!
both u n me also hav to promise dat ya.. n love each other always XD
p/s - now i getting better dy.. but ur headpain seems like getting more serious dy o.. very worry of u la.. quickly recover. den i wil be relieved dy.
hahah dun wori. ur lao gong more blur than u. the proof is me in the passport office event. so sia sui lang -_-"
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